Library Rhyme Time Events in Sydney

Library Rhyme Time Events in Sydney

Facebook Group

Posted 2018-01-18 by Suefollow
Sparking the Little Bookworm In Your Child

When you're on maternity leave, or extended career break, to raise your children, the weekdays can become a little like Groundhog Day, with your domestic life on endless loop. That's why outings like mothers' groups, mums and bubs exercise classes, or play groups can be a godsend, to otherwise isolated and exhausted mums.

Never too early to encourage a love of reading

Have you considered your local library as a weekly outing for you and your bub, or toddler? With a renewed emphasis on early literacy in childhood, your local library's FREE weekly Rhyme Time event (0 - 2 years), during the school term, is a great way to socialise your little tikes, help them with listening skills, expose them to reading, and to meet some like-minded mums in your neighbourhood.

Requests for rhyme time locations often come up in the Sydney Mums Group chatroom, so we've compiled a list of libraries, across ten Sydney councils, with hyperlinks to more information (times and bookings), to get you started.

If we've missed your favourite place for Rhyme Time or Baby Bounce, we'd welcome your suggestions in the comments. Or, if your local library is listed, let us know if you are a regular and what you think of their story time events. It would be a great help to the mums in this online community, who are looking to join bub-friendly social events in their community.

Happy reading and rhyming!

Photo taken of mural at Warringah Mall Library's Kidspace

Hills Shire - Baulkham Hills, Castle Hill and Rouse Hill Libraries

Inner West Council - Marrickville, Emanuel Tsardoulias, St Peters and Stanmore Libraries

Ku-ring-gai Council - Lindfield, Turramurra and Gordon Libraries

Liverpool Council - Carnes Hill, Casula, Green Valley, Liverpool City, Miller and Moorebank Libraries

Northern Beaches Council - Dee Why, Forestville, Glenrose, Manly and Warringah Mall Libraries

It's wonderful to see toddlers engage with reading in libraries

North Sydney Council - Stanton Library, North Sydney

Parramatta Council - Parramatta, Carlingford, Dundas, Epping and Ermington Libraries

Ryde Council - Eastwood, Gladesville, North Rude, Ryde and West Ryde Libraries

Willoughby Council - Baby Bounce and Toddler Time at Chatswood Library

Woollahra Council - Woollahra, Watsons Bay and Paddington Libraries

#books and Reading

[INTRO Once the big kids go back to school, are you up for your local library's story time club for bubs and toddlers? We've channelled our inner bookworm and found libraries from all over Sydney, who welcome mums and little tikes, every week. Which ones have you been to? Which great kids' libraries should we add to our list?]

31825 - 2022-03-16 12:17:59


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