Cognition, Memory, and Daily Living Skills - Call for Participants!

Cognition, Memory, and Daily Living Skills - Call for Participants!

Facebook Group

Posted 2024-02-27 by Vanessafollow

Mon 26 Feb 2024 - Tue 30 Apr 2024

Pearson Clinical is currently conducting a study about cognition, memory, and daily living skills!

The Pearson team are inviting young people aged 16-17 years to participate. To take part, the parents of the young person must not have completed a university degree.

What is this study about?
The aim of this study is to develop three new tests called the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition (WAIS-5), the Wechsler Memory Scale, Fifth Edition (WMS-5), and the Texas Functional Living Scale, Second Edition (TFLS-2).

The WAIS-5 measures an individual's cognitive skills, such as language functioning and problem-solving. The WMS-5 measures the different areas of memory and learning, while the TFLS-2 measures an individual's functional ability, such as the ability to communicate, tell the time, and count money.

Because these tests were first developed in the United States, the Pearson Team in Australia first needed to adapt the content. This included changing the spelling and updating images to be appropriate for the Australian population.

Next, to ensure each test provides accurate results for Australians, the researchers recruit people from across the country to take the tests so they can understand how people typically perform.

Hundreds of Australians aged 16-90 years from around the country will participate in the research. To ensure that the tests are representative of the Australian population, it is essential that the researchers include a diverse group of individuals across this age range, including teenagers and young people.

What's involved in the study?
Participation takes place over three sessions. Session 1 takes 2 to 3.5 hours, session 2 takes 1 to 2 hours, and session 3 takes 30 minutes. Participants will do problem solving tasks, memory tasks, puzzles, answer knowledge questions, and practical tasks, such as telling time and counting money.

As a thank you, each participant will receive a $100 gift card for session 1, a $100 gift card for session 2, and a $50 gift card for session 3.

You can find out more and apply to take part via this link:

If you are invited to take part, Pearson will connect you with a psychologist in your area to complete the study sessions.

The study has been open to participants whose parents have completed all different qualifications. However, as the study is close to the end, there are now only spots available for participants whose parents have not completed a university degree. This study has also been open to participants across the full age range, however, at this stage there are now only limited spots available for people aged 18+ years.

This study has been approved by the St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC Reference Number: HREC A 252/21).

278930 - 2024-02-26 05:31:10


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